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USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels Technical Notes

USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels Technical Notes

Here, our technical experts break down everything you need to know about specific topics related to the USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels portfolio.

Compressive Strength Technical Note

Used in noncombustible Types I and II construction, the compression strength of these panels can be determined through several different methods that were developed because of the varying load conditions analyzed.



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Mezzanine Application

USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels

Noncombustible structural panels for high-performance subfloors, roof decks, and foundation walls.

Mezzanine Application

Mezzanine Application

No pouring, no setting, no curing. Simply lay, fasten, and finish for a complete dry application.