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Installation and Application



  • Isn’t fly ash bad for concrete and isn’t it a potential hazardous product?

    Fly ash often is used as a filler in concrete. When used at excessive levels, fly ash and concrete has been cited as one of the reasons for excessive moisture in concrete slabs.

    In Durock™ EcoCap™ Self-Leveling Underlayment, the fly ash is not used as filler but rather as a source of aluminum and silicon in the geopolymer reaction that takes place. In this case, the fly ash contributes significantly to the strength, self drying and setting characteristics of the product due to the geopolymer reaction.

  • Why are the CO2 emissions lower when producing Durock™ EcoCap™ Self-Leveling Underlayment?

    Portland cement is one of the largest contributors of CO2 emissions. For each ton of Portland cement made, one ton of CO2 emissions is produced. The Geopolymer binder of Durock™ EcoCap™ is made using a large quantity of industrial byproduct (fly ash) that is instrumental in keeping the CO2 contribution of the product to very low levels. Compared to Portland cement, the net reduction in CO2 emissions resulting from the Durock™ EcoCap™ binder is approximately 80%.

Industry Terms and Definitions

  • What is consistency?

    Consistency is defined as the number of parts of water, by weight, required to produce slurry of specified fluidity when mixed with 100 parts of plaster by weight. Consistency is product specific, but generally, the lower the water addition, the thicker or less flowable the slurry will be. The more water you add, the “looser,” more free flowing the slurry will be. As consistency increases the strength decreases.

  • Why is LR important?

    When the proper type of lighting fixture is used with a high LR ceiling, there can be savings in both initial construction costs as well as long-term energy costs. The concept is to use the ceiling to reflect light back into the occupied space.

  • Why is NRC important?

    NRC is very important in open office plan environments where there are few full height walls to help absorb or block sound.

  • What does LR stand for?

    LR stands for light reflectance. It is a measure of the percentage of light which is reflected off of a given panel surface. Typically, the whiter and smoother the ceiling panel, the higher the LR value.

  • What is NRC?

    NRC stands for Noise Reduction Coefficient. It is a measure of how much sound is absorbed by a given material. It is listed as a decimal and relates to percentage sound absorbed.

  • When referring to ceiling panels, what is the meaning of type, form and pattern?

    These categories refer to ASTM Test E 1264.
    Type refers to the base material of the panel.
    Form refers to the manufacturing process of the panel.
    Pattern refers to the type of texture or pattern in the panel.

  • What is the difference between Class A and Firecode® branded materials?

    Class A signifies that a panel attained a flame spread index of 25 or less (based on 100 for untreated red oak) when tested in accordance with the Standard ASTM E 84. The Firecode® brand signifies that the panel has been classified as a protective membrane in a floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling assembly in accordance with the Standard ASTM E 119. All Firecode® protective membranes offered by USG have attained a Class A rating.

  • USG is a gypsum company. What do you know about cement and self-leveling underlayments?

    USG has been manufacturing quality building material products for 110 years. We have been selling cement-based products for more than 30 years and have been making underlayment products since the 1970’s. We have an industry-leading R&D center in Libertyville, Illinois, and have several members of our technical staff who have PhD’s in cement-related fields.

  • What is set time?

    Set time is an industry test that identifies when plaster slurry has developed enough strength to prevent a Vicat needle from penetrating through a thin plaster patty. This is helpful in defining the working time or “open time” for a plaster mix. Please note that plaster becomes unworkable or “stiff” well ahead of the actual set time, often in half the time for the slurry to set.

  • What is the difference between wet-felted and cast ceiling panels?

    Wet-felted panels are typically mechanically perforated and fissured. They are very dense and more economical than other types of ceiling panels. Cast ceiling panels are non-perforated and are manufactured in a different “cast” process, hence its name, that enhances their surface appearance and provides excellent sound absorption and durability.

  • What are the UL Design numbers for USG Cavity Shaft Wall?

    UL Design Numbers U415, U438, U459, U467, U469, and U492.

  • Why is CAC important?

    CAC is important when there is a need for privacy between spaces.

  • What are some advantages of paper-faced beads?

    Paper-faced beads provide superior adhesion to joint compound, primer and paint. They have a lower bead height than bare faced beads and trims. This requires less consumption of joint compound when coating the trims. They have an almost non-existent chance of leaching rust through the joint compound and finish paint. Tape-on trim rarely edge cracks, a common problem with nail-on and staple-on bead and trim.

  • What is "X" Technology?

    "X" Technology is a unique manufacturing method which was developed by and introduced to the market by USG in 1989. This technology is used to produce ceiling panels with sag resistance and exceptional acoustical performance found in USG’s line of ceiling products with ClimaPlus™ Performance.

  • What is CAC?

    CAC stands for Ceiling Attenuation Class. It is the measure of the blocking of sound through one ceiling plane, into the plenum above, and back through the other ceiling plane to an adjacent space.

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