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Mezzanine Construction

USG Structural Panels are a developer’s answer to commercial type of construction. USG Structural Panels are high-strength reinforced concrete panels for use in noncombustible construction. Lighter than precast or poured concrete, USG Structural Panels install like wood sheathing and provide a new, faster, easier and more efficient way to build floors for platforms or mezzanines.

When you are looking for panels that are:

  • Noncombustible
  • Nonrotting
  • Moisture-,  mold- and termite-resistance
  • Dimensionally stable

When you need to have:

  • A fast installation (three easy steps: lay, fasten, finish)
  • No pouring, no setting, no curing
  • An alternative to poured, precast

Subfloor System

The USG Structural floor system consists of steel joists, trusses or framing members and USG Structural Panel Concrete Subfloor applied with mechanical fasteners. The result is a noncombustible, mold-, moisture-, termite-resistant and dimensionally stable floor assembly, suitable for a variety of floor finishes. Great shear diaphragm and uniform load capacities