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Steep-Slope Roof System

With USG Structural Panel Concrete Roof Deck Steep-Slope roofs can be achieved with ease.

  • Strong, durable concrete panel; great uplift ratings
  • Dimensionally stable; panel will not buckle or warp like wood sheathing; no moisture issues like structural concrete
  • Installs fast and easy: circular saw for cutting; screws for fastening
  • Meets the criteria of ASTM E136-16 for use in all types of noncombustible construction
  • Made in the USA

Steep-Slope Roof System

The USG Structural roof system consists of steel joists, trusses or framing members and USG Structural Panel Concrete Roof Deck applied with mechanical fasteners to serve as a structural substrate Shingles, clay tiles and standing seem metal roofs. The result is a noncombustible, mold-, moisture- and termite-resistant, and dimensionally stable roof deck, suitable for steep-slope roof systems.