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Structural Panel Concrete Roof Deck

FM Approved. Durable, noncombustible roof panels that offer fast installation and are buckle- and warp-resistant. Visit for Code Report. PRODUCT IN STOCK. Contact your local sales representative.



A concrete roof deck that can be combined with other noncombustible materials to create 1- and 2-hour fire-rated roof-ceiling assemblies. Strong, durable concrete panel; great uplift ratings Dimensionally stable; panel will not buckle or warp like wood sheathing; no moisture issues like structural concrete Installs fast and easy: circular saw for cutting; screws for fastening

Main Features

Structural Panel Concrete Roof Deck is versatile and economic option for both low and steep slope roofs. Unlike traditional roofing systems where multiple layers are required, Concrete Roof Deck is both the noncombustible structural sheathing and either the nail base or thermal barrier.
  • The only cementitious structural panel approved by Factory Mutual (FM) — FM Approval Standard 4472
  • Installed up to 48” on center over cold-formed steel framing, 1/4” bar joists, or wood framing, to create 1and 2 hour fire-rated roof/ceiling assemblies
  • Strong, durable concrete panel; great uplift ratings
  • Dimensionally stable; panel will not buckle or warp like wood sheathing; no moisture issues like traditional poured concrete
  • Lay, fasten and finish
  • Faster: Providing a dry construction method gives the ability to apply roof system immediately after Roof Deck installation
  • Meets the criteria of ASTM E136-16 for use in all types of noncombustible construction
  • Made in the USA
  • Product Evaluation – Code Report - 14076
  • Assembly Evaluation – Code Report - 17108


Installation Guide


Documents & Files

Data Sheets & Specifications

Data/Submittal Sheet (English) PDF 274.9 KB
Architecturall Specification (English) DOCX 38.5 KB

Catalogs & Brochures

Brochure (English) PDF 77.9 MB

Installation & Technical Manuals

Installation Guide (English)

SDS, Certifications & Reports

SDS (English)
SDS (Spanish)


EPD (English) PDF 1.1 MB

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  • Questions should relate to this product specifically.
  • For help with pricing, availability, or delivery, please call 800.874.4968 (Monday–Friday, 7am–6pm Central)
  • All questions and answers follow USG’s Terms & Conditions.
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q & a

  • Which side is the top on USG Structural Panel Concrete Roof Deck?

    A: The side with the labeling is the top side for roof deck applications.

  • What tools are needed to install USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: It is typical carpentry tools which you can find on Recommended Tools Sheet (SCP298287).

    For a list of the fasteners recommended with USG Structural Panels, reference our Recommended Fasteners Sheet (SCP297586).

  • How do you install USG Structural Panel Concrete Roof Deck?

  • Can the USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels be used as a wall?

    Yes, static shear wall capacities available in Product Evaluation Report PER-13067 (

  • How are USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels typically supported? What is the typical span?

    A: USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels can be supported by 18 ga. (43 mil.) or higher Cold-Formed Steel framing, SPF lumber, or Hot-Rolled Steel framing.

    Typical span:

    • Subfloor: 12", 16", 24"
    • Roof Deck: 12", 16", 24", 32"*, 48"*
    • *Refer to page 4, for proper blocking instructions.

  • Where can I find the load tables for USG Structural Panel Concrete Roof Deck?

  • Are all panels equivalent to USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: No. USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels are the only UL-certified noncombustible cementitious panel in North America. USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels offer the simplest 2-hour floor/ceiling fire assembly which saves time and money.

  • Is there a UL fire-rated system with USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A. Yes. We have the simplest 2-hour assemblies G556 and H505 with one layer of drywall (ULIX). We have the most comprehensive testing database of any panel for different assemblies, which can be found at:

  • What are the sizes of the USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: USG Structural Panels are:

    • 3/4" thick
    • 4' x 8'; 4' x 6'; 4' x 6'-8" panelsA
    • Pallet: 20 panelsB
    • Edge: T&GC


    1. Panels can be custom cut
    2. Can be requested to have 10 panels per pallet.
    3. Can also be Square Edge if requested.
  • Do you need to finish the joints when using USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: No, joint finishing is typically required for USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels when used in a subfloor application.

  • Will USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels meet code requirements?

    A: USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels are compliant with the 2012, 2015 and 2018 IBC.

  • What are USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels are a portfolio of three products for subfloors, roof decks and foundation walls. These cured-in-factory 3/4" panels are high-strength, fiberglass reinforced concrete panels for use in noncombustible construction. The panels are certified noncombustible by Underwriters Laboratories Inc (UL) in accordance with the current version of ASTM E136. Taking the place of traditional poured concrete and metal deck in cold-formed steel framing, USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels are a lighter and easier solution, requiring only the basic carpentry tools for installation.

  • Who can install STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: The carpenter typically leads the installation of STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels, which allows you to eliminate the many trades needed to pour concrete.

  • What are the common applications for STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels are for subfloor applications, typically used in midrise buildings, health facilities, theaters, hotels, residential buildings and homes, multipurpose midrise buildings, panelized construction or in simple platforms or mezzanines. It is also used as the lightweight floor in permanent modular construction.

    STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Roof Deck Panels are for roof deck applications, can be used for commercial low-slope or residential sloped roofing, balconies, and canopies. To see more information on what can be applied to STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Roof Deck Panels, reference High Performance Roof Applications (SCP68).

    STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Xtra Strength Panels are for foundation wall applications, can be used for foundation renovation or new building foundation construction, full-height basements, storm shelters, crawl space, and cellars.

  • Where have USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels been installed?

    A: View for Project Profiles on just a few of the projects that have used STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels.

  • What are the benefits of using USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels vs. poured concrete?

    USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels are:

    • Lighter – less weight, less overall structural material
    • Faster – no wait for curing, fewer trades (carpenters can install USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels), greater schedule flexibility, faster time to open
    • Lower risk – no moisture uncertainty, cured so there is no excessive free water
    • Lower total installed cost – fewer trades, less material, less equipment, faster time to open
  • How do we achieve meaningful time savings on a project using USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels?

    A: USG STRUCTO-CRETE® Brand Structural Panels are easy to install (lay, fasten, finish), and only requires a single trade. Unlike poured concrete, it can be installed in any weather, and it eliminates the wait to cure and dry. Other trades (e.g. mechanical and electrical) can begin work sooner. Schedule compression leads to lower project cost and faster time to open.

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  • Need help right away?

    Call our Technical Support team at 800-874-4968 (Monday-Friday, 7:30 am - 4 pm Central).
