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Note: The construction specifications (e.g. framing size, spacing, panel type, etc.) prescribed within UL Design No. 415 and/or ULC Design No. W452 supersede the output of the tool herin. The requirements of the UL and/or ULC Designs shall be followed.
Disclaimer: All data and calculations are based on USG/CGC C-H Stud and H-Stud Framing. Any substitution of framing must be verified with the manufacturer. Only represents USG/CGC Shaft Wall Systems installed vertically. The information and data contained in this calculation tool has been developed to be used for USG/CGC Shaft Wall CH-Stud and Double E-Stud assemblies. This tool assumes that the user will follow USG/CGC technical directions and operation, mounting, and assembly instructions,etc., during installation. Of course, the accuracy of this tool also depends on accuracy of the data input by the user; therefore, the user is responsible for the accuracy and completeness of the data input.
USG/CGC believes this calculation tool will be a valuable addition to users specification and ordering process; however, we always suggest that you have your results reviewed and confirmed by an experet, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using the results for the specific assembly required. The user and/or experct can find more information in Evaluation Report AER-09038. Progressive Engineering, Inc.
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